News and Research

We work with businesses and institutions from the sustainable building and planning sectors

We work with businesses and institutions from the sustainable building and planning sectors.

UPM is a benchmark engineering and architecture university. The MAYAB has been training sector professionals for 20+ years. The lecturers’ research activity has ensured our students have benefitted from the most innovative teaching methods and techniques over the years. This master seeks to directly impart and transfer that accumulated knowledge so as to influence decision-making and contribute to the transition by cities and their buildings to a more sustainable model.

20 September from 2024

XIII Bienal Iberoamericana de Arquitectura y Urbanismo_CLIMAS Perú

La XIII edición de la Bienal Iberoa ...

23 May from 2024

Conferencia Final del proyecto CoolToRise “Summer is coming. Iniciativas urbanas y políticas públicas para mitigar el impacto del calor”

El proyecto Cooltorise organizó su evento final en Madrid el 23 de mayo de 2024. Bajo el nombre “Summer is coming. Iniciativas urbanas y pol ...

25 April from 2024

Carmen Sánchez-Guevara participa en los Adaptation Days del BEI

Durante los días 24 y 25 de abril de 2024, ha tenido lugar el evento Adaptation Days, organizado por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones, al que ha si ...